Title: Woher kommen die kleine Buben und Mädchen? [From where do little boys and girls come?]
Authors: Seelmann, Kurt
Book Title: Woher kommen die kleine Buben und Mädchen? [From where do little boys and girls come?]
Book Pages: pp. 50-64
Chapter Title: Limniat hithavut kshay-chinuch bakitot-hayesod [The prevention of educational problems in the primary grades]
Date Modified: 11/12/2005
Journal Article Page Numbers: 169-190
Journal Article Title: Verhütung von Schwererziehbarkeit in der Volkschule [Prevention of educational problems in the elementary school]
Journal Name: Internationale Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie
Journal Number: 3
Journal Volume: 5
Media Type: Book
Publisher: München: Ernst Reinhardt
Year: 1970
Year Start: 1970
Year End: 1970