Title: Alfred Adler, der Mann und sein Werk: Triumph über den Minderwertigkeitskomplex [Alfred Adler, the man and his work: Triumph over the inferiority complex]
Authors: Orgler, Hertha
Book Title: Alfred Adler, der Mann und sein Werk: Triumph über den Minderwertigkeitskomplex [Alfred Adler, the man and his work: Triumph over the inferiority complex]
Date Created: 03/04/1970
Date Modified: 11/12/2005
Journal Article Page Numbers: 25-28
Journal Article Title: Adlerian psychology: A help in solving the current crime problem
Journal Name: Individual Psychologist
Journal Number: 2
Journal Volume: 6
Media Type: Book
Publisher: Wien: Urban & Schwarzenberg
Year: 1956
Year Start: 1956
Year End: 1956