Title: Techniques for behavior change
Authors: Rattner, Leo
Book Title: Techniques for behavior change
Book Pages: pp. 143-150
Chapter Title: The pampered lifestyle
Date Modified: 11/12/2005
Editor: Arthur G. Nikelly (Ed.)
Journal Article Page Numbers: 77-84
Journal Article Title: Das individualpsychologische Berufswahlgespräch [The Individual Psychological vocational choice discussion]
Journal Name: Internationale Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie
Journal Number: 2
Journal Volume: 17
Media Type: Newspaper
Month: January
News or Magazine Title: Connaisance de l’homme, No. 15
News Article Title: The Individual Psychology of proper training for the job
Publisher: Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas
Year: 1956
Year Start: 1956
Year End: 1956