Title: Catholic Psycholigcal Record - [Review of Erich Fromm (1964). The heart of man. New York: Harper & Row and Frank T. T. Severin (1965). Humanistic viewpoint in psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill]
Authors: O’Connell, Walter E.
Date Created: 01/01/1970
Date Modified: 11/12/2005
Journal Article Page Numbers: 141-145
Journal Article Title: [Review of Erich Fromm (1964). The heart of man. New York: Harper & Row and Frank T. T. Severin (1965). Humanistic viewpoint in psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill]
Journal Name: Catholic Psycholigcal Record
Journal Number: 2
Journal Volume: 3
Media Type: Journal
Year: 1965
Year Start: 1965
Year End: 1965