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Title: Conquer yourself: The way to self-confidence

Authors: Künkel, Fritz

Book Title: Conquer yourself: The way to self-confidence

Book Pages: pp. 105-113

Chapter Title: Early recollections as a projective technique

Date Modified: 11/12/2005

Dissertation: Evaluation in psychotherapy: A study of some current measures

Editor: Gardner Lindzey & Calvin S. Hall (Eds.)

Institution: Doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago

Journal Article Page Numbers: 107-108

Journal Article Title: [Review of Lawrence Langner (1959). The importance of wearing clothes. New York: Hastings House]

Journal Name: Journal of Individual Psychology

Journal Volume: 16

Media Type: Book

Publisher: New York: Ives Washburn

Year: 1936

Year Start: 1936

Year End: 1936

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