In order to standardize and simplify the collection of lifestyle information, the BASIS – A (Basic Adlerian Scales for Interpersonal Success-Adult Form was created by Mary Wheeler, Roy Kern, and William Curlette. The BASIS – A has five scales that are correlated with Rudolf Dreikurs traditional lifestyle types....
In order to standardize and simplify the collection of lifestyle information, the BASIS – A (Basic Adlerian Scales for Interpersonal Success-Adult Form was created by Mary Wheeler, Roy Kern, and William Curlette. The BASIS – A has five scales that are correlated with Rudolf Dreikurs traditional lifestyle types. The five personality/ subscales include: The Going Along scale which is similar to being good type; The Taking Charge scale which is equivalent to the controlling type; the Being Cautious scale is the victimized type; the Wanting Recognition looks at a need to be liked and accepted by others as well as recognized for personal efforts, and the Belonging/Social Interest scale is correlated with the being socially useful type.
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