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Dr. Jane Nelsen is a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in South Jordan, UT and San Diego, CA. She is the author and/or coauthor of the Positive Discipline Series.

Jane is the co-developer of the following two-day training workshops:

Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way: a general process that also can focus on the following populations:

  • Preschoolers
  • Teenagers
  • Single Parents
  • Criminal Justice
  • Parenting in Recovery

Positive Discipline in the Classroom Building a Positive Workplace: Empowering People for Increased Productivity

Jane’s doctorate degree in Educational Psychology from the University of San Francisco in 1979 is secondary to the education and experience she achieved from her successes and failures as a mother of seven children.

She now shares this wealth of knowledge and experience as a popular keynote speaker and workshop leader throughout the country. Jane is very well received by school district, teacher organizations, conferences, and parent education networks throughout the world.

Letters come in daily from parents and teachers worldwide who have had much success with the principles outlined in her books, workshops, and lectures.

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