John Sommers-Flanagan is a professor of counseling at the University of Montana, a clinical psychologist, and author/coauthor of over 100 publications, including ten books and many professional training videos. His books, co-written with his wife Rita, integrate Adlerian content and include Clinical Interviewing (7th ed., 2024, Wiley), Tough Kids, Cool Counseling (2nd ed., 2007, ACA Publications), and Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice (3rd ed., 2018, Wiley). He has published in the New England Journal of Medicine, American Psychologist, and Journal of Counseling and Development. John’s current work involves promoting an Adlerian-inspired, evidence-informed, strengths-based model designed to grow human strengths, skills, and virtues rather than more mental disorders (which we have enough of). In his wild and precious spare time, John loves to run (slowly), dance (poorly), sing (off-key), and produce family music videos. John regularly posts about Adler-related themes on his blog: