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Lydia Sicher (1890-1962) was born in Vienna and earned her medical degree there (1916), as well as a doctorate in zoology (1922). As a medical volunteer and physician in the Austrian army, her dedication earned her honors from the army and the Red Cross. After consulting with him about a patient, Sicher became interested in Adler’s work. She subsequently worked at the Ambulatorium that Adler had founded in Vienna. When Adler left for the United States in 1929, he appointed Sicher as his successor at the clinic and director of the Viennese Society of Individual Psychology. She led the clinic until it was closed by Hitler nine years later. She left Vienna and followed her husband to the United States in 1939.  During her time in the United States, Sicher served as president of the American Society of Adlerian Psychology and was on the editorial board of The Journal of Individual Psychology. Before relocating to Los Angeles, she held various positions, including consulting psychologist for Family Services in Utah. In 1948, she established the Institute for Individual Psychology there. She also developed a Child Guidance Clinic in California, and years later, she played a key role in forming the Alfred Adler Society of Los Angeles.


Erik Mansager contributed to this biographical entry.


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