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Since 1975, Mark Savickas has served as Adjunct Professor of Counselor Education at Kent State University, where he has taught career counseling to over 4,000 students and advised 35 doctoral graduates. At the same time, he has served as professor of Family and Community Medicine at the Northeastern Ohio Medical University. His 80 articles, 45 book chapters, and 500 presentations to professional groups have dealt with vocational behavior and career counseling. In addition to being an American Counseling Association fellow, he is a fellow in the National Career Development Association (NCDA), which presented with its Eminent Career Award in 1996. He is also a member of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES). He has received honorary doctorates from the University of Lisbon (Portugal) and the University of Pretoria (South Africa). He has made presentations in 14 countries and currently serves on editorial boards for journals in ten different countries.

InĀ Career Counseling, Dr. Mark Savickas demonstrates his narrative counseling method for helping clients to fit work into their lives, rather than fit themselves to jobs. This approach looks at a client’s life as a “novel being written,” and it emphasizes recurring themes that reveal how the client uses work to advance his or her life projects.

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