Ramona M. Covrig, M.A. in Psychotherapy, is a Diplomate in Adlerian Psychology, certified by the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology. She serves as a Trainer, Supervisor, and Psychotherapist. As the founder and President of the Institute for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy (IPPA) in Romania, she provides training in Adlerian psychotherapy. Ramona is an ECP and ECPP Holder. More about her work and private practice can be found at [www.psihoconsult.ro](http://www.psihoconsult.ro).
She authored The Psychology of Infidelity: Handbook for Survival and 5 poetry volumes.
Ramona has translated several books into Romanian, including:
– Challenge in Marriage by Rudolf Dreikurs,
– Time for a Better Marriage by Jon Carlson,
– Works by Francis X. Walton and Robert L. Powers, such as Winning Teenagers Over and the IPCW Individual Psychology Client Workbook.